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New BNAACC Design Feedback Session

Help Us Design the New BNAACC

You are cordially invited to attend the following sessions to give your feedback to the professional design team (Interactive Design Architects - firm website) that will be creating the layout for the new BNAACC building. There will be two feedback sessions for faculty/staff as well as students, but please attend the session based on your availability as both sessions will be the same. We have limited time to collect feedback from campus, and this is your opportunity to give that feedback.

All feedback sessions will be held on Thursday, January 19, 2017 at the following times:

Faculty/Staff Feedback session from 10–11:30am (for faculty/staff, but open to all)

Student Feedback session from 11:30am–1pm (for students, but open to all)

All sessions will be held at the Bruce D. Nesbitt African American Cultural Center, located at 51 East Gregory in Champaign.